Watch our Day 4 in Ethiopia: visiting the Mursi Tribe
Yekaterinburg is most famous as where the last Royal Russian Family were executed. It is also the home to the only 3-D tribute to the Beatles in Russia.
We have no idea why we decided to stop in Omsk. We also have no idea why we chose to stop there for less than 24 hours. We arrived at 5:00PM and left the next day at 2:00PM. It was an adventure and we do not regret it.
A UNESCO World Heritage site most famous for being the location which imprisoned Nelson Mandela for 18 years before the fall of apartheid.
On Day 2 of Ethiopia, we took a 7 hour drive in Ethiopia from Addis Ababa to Arba Minch it turned into an 11 hour drive. We had to fire the driver.